Migrate from Express

If you've got an existing API powered by ExpressJS and you want to migrate towards using json:api, you're in the right place. The migration process we're running with is to:

  1. Get @jagql/framework running alongside an existing express app using a path prefix.
  2. Define some new resources using the in-memory handlers.
  3. Lock in the resource definitions and develop custom handlers to provide data in the new formats by re-using existing functionality in the current codebase.
  4. Migrate traffic over to the json:api resources.
  5. Kill off the old express server.

We're using something similar to the below snippet to run @jagql/framework alongside our existing express application:

var jsonApi = require('@jagql/framework');
var express = require('express');
var app = express();

var jsonApiRouter = new express.Router();
  router: router
app.use('/', jsonApiRouter);

// ..load all your resources here..