
Automatic Generation

To opt-in to having a swagger.json built for you off the back of your resource schema, simply provide a swagger property to jagql.setConfig() and fill out some of the fields:

  // ...
  swagger: {
    title: "Example JSON:API Server",
    version: "0.1.1",
    description: "This is the API description block that shows up in the swagger.json",
    contact: {
      name: "API Contact",
      email: "apicontact@holidayextras.com",
      url: "docs.hapi.holidayextras.com"
    license: {
      name: "MIT",
      url: "http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT"
  // ...

When this is done, fire up your api and take a look at your swagger file, found at: /swagger.json.

The example app's swagger file is available at http://localhost:16006/rest/swagger.json.

Rendering Swagger UI

You might want to host the Swagger Docs in a Swagger UI page (where users can browse and try out the API from their browser)

To achive this, use swagger-ui-express and add it to the internal express server of jagql

const swaggerUi = require('swagger-ui-express')
const expressServer = jagql.getExpressServer()

expressServer.use('/docs', swaggerUi.serve,
    null, true, null, null, null,
    '/api/swagger.json', 'JAGQL Swagger API Docs'

This would look like this on the path http://localhost:16006/docs -

swagger ui